Video Link Dog Training Advice and Help
If you are self isolating, in quarantine or simply live too far away then this service is for you. We are offering Zoom/Skype sessions from our house to yours where we can help you with your dog training and behaviour needs. You will need a valid Skype/zoom setup such as a webcam or iPad/iPhone. All of our sessions come with 6 months phone support if needed after the initial consultation.
We can help with issues such as separation anxiety, jumping up, pulling on the lead, hyperactive behaviour and more. Sessions will run for approx 40mins.
During our video consultations you will receive:
- One to one teaching from the comfort of your home
- Technical instruction on how and why your dog does what it does
- A method customised for your individual dog
- A detailed explanation of the canine brain
- IN2K9 will only reccomend techniques on your dog that you fully understand and permit. If there are any ongoing problems with issues dealt with during the consult IN2K9 offers you 6 months back up phone support. Provided you are following the recommendations given to you by IN2K9, we will have on going support via phone or email.
- 6 months backup phone support